About Our Pediatric Dental Office – Leesburg, VA
Give Your Child a Fun & Positive Dental Experience
Our pediatric dental practice in Leesburg is unique in every way. We aspire to make each type of visit into an experience that is fun, interactive, and helps your child’s dental fears melt away. Plus, we have the expertise to back it up! Our board-certified pediatric laser dentist, Dr. Vani Takiar, also known as Agent T, has the specialty training for treating growing smiles. We welcome you to learn more about what makes us so unique.
Our Mystery Theme Makes Dental Visits Fun!

Starting here, as you search for clues on our website and read through our interactive case files, you will become immersed in an engaging mystery involving a ”sneaky tooth” on-the-run and Detective D. Kay. Not only does this mystery experience help to create a warmer and more welcoming atmosphere, but it also helps children to become active participants in their dental care. We strive to erase any anxiety or fear by making visits exciting and interactive.
Dr. Takiar Is Available for Patients and their Parents

Agent T is committed to her work and aspires to be incredibly sincere and transparent. From urgent needs to regular visits and dental treatment appointments, she remains actively involved with the care of her patients. This also helps minimize any miscommunications and always keeps your child’s dental care as the top priority.
Fun, Interactive Dental Office That Inspires Play

When you and your child visit Tooth Clues - The Dental Detective for Kids, you will not just be entering a dental office — we have created a warm and imagination-inspiring environment that is incredibly unique. Agent T meticulously curated the design of her pediatric dental office, making sure there is no shortage of fun activities for children, like our interactive virtual gaming system in the waiting area and mystery mission with Detective D. Kay. She even hand-selected colors and shapes that spark excitement.
Fast, Comfortable Laser Dental Treatment Available

At Tooth Clues - The Dental Detective for Kids, we want your child’s dental experience to be both positive and pain-free. Therefore, we believe in using the most advanced dental technology available to provide quality dental treatment for your child in a calming and comfortable environment.
Available for all our patients, the Solea is a dental laser that replaces the dental drill in a majority of procedures in our dental practice. In fact, nearly every patient skips anesthesia because they just do not need it when we use the Solea! It is our way of keeping your child happy. Because more than anything, we love to see you and your child smile.