The First Visit: When Should Your Child Start Seeing a Pediatric Dentist?

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Toothclues @ 6:19 pm
a smiling baby with her two front teeth

Nobody hands you a guidebook for what to do in your child’s first year of life. Besides, every baby varies so greatly, no one-size-fits-all instruction manual would be helpful! However, certain important visits, like early vaccinations and their first dental appointments, are crucial in order to help them grow to be healthy and strong. The problem is many new parents are not sure when they should start scheduling routine examinations with a pediatric dentist in Leesburg. Read on to learn the recommended age for early dental visits and what you can expect during them. 

When Should You Bring Your Child to the Dentist?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, who is the authority on dental health for infants, toddlers, children, and teens, recommends that children visit a pediatric dentist by the time their first tooth erupts, or by the age of one. Their recently published research shows that children are 20 times less likely to have cavities by their first appointment when they go before the age of one. Some parents even opt to bring their children in by six months old, allowing them to get familiarized with the surroundings and dental office, helping them feel more comfortable.

What to Expect During Your Child’s First Visit

Early dental visits for infants are much more laid-back than you may anticipate. In fact, in many ways, they’re just as much for the parents as they are for the baby! Even if your baby doesn’t have teeth that have erupted yet, the pediatric dentist will examine their mouth looking for any signs of development or dental hygiene issues. They will then speak with you about what good dental hygiene looks like at this young age, which could include wiping their gums after nursing or bottle-feeding, as well as go over some healthy teething habits.

Once your child is old enough to have their teeth cleaned, a professional cleaning and X-rays will be included in these routine visits to their pediatric dentist to make sure to spot and treat any early signs of common dental concerns, like cavities.

Does It Matter Whether You Take Them to a Pediatric Dentist?

On your hunt for a children’s dentist, it’s likely that you’ll see “family” and “general” dentists as well as pediatric dentists pop up in your Google search. It’s important to know the difference between these types of dentists so you can choose the one that has the most to offer your child.

Family dentists and general dentists have both completed their baseline education and training to practice dentistry, earning their doctorate’s degrees. However, pediatric dentists go one massive step further—they complete an additional two-year residency program that focuses on treating and understanding developing smiles specifically. This provides them with ample knowledge and understanding of children’s dental anatomy and growth, helping spot common issues early on and ensuring that your favorite smile has the opportunity to thrive.

Your baby’s first dental visit is a big milestone, and choosing a capable and knowledgeable professional to oversee your child’s health can seem like a lofty task. Relying on a trained and credentialed professional like a pediatric dentist can give you peace of mind that your little one will receive the best possible care.

About the Author

Dr. Vani Takiar, known as “Agent T” to her patients, is a Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist and Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. With years of training and specialized education under her belt, she is able to provide outstanding, high-quality dentistry to infants, children, and teens. For questions or to schedule your baby’s first dental appointment, visit Tooth Clues’ website or call 571-799-0559.

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